Saturday, April 23, 2011

Playful Parenting

I've been reading this delightful book called Playful Parenting by Lawrence Cohen.

When we gaze at our children and smile fondly at their magical smiles and infectious laughter, we are reminded of their sweet innocence. Suddenly, I'm found on the floor on all fours pretending I'm a ferocious tiger or tackling her gently to the floor and blowing raspberries on her soft tummy.

Play, according to Cohen, is immensely profound.

Firstly, play is a way they try on an adult roles and skills. Secondly, it's a way to find closeness, attachment and affection.

Thirdly, and most unique to humans according to the author, is that play is used way to reconnect after a bond has been broken.

With these thoughts in my mind, I had play on the brain while I totted my camera around this weekend.

Now, if you know my daughter she's not a toy fan. This is incredibly challenging when I'm preparing meals, going out of the room for a minute or doing anything for that matter. So, out we go in search of fun and excitement.

We went to early years this morning. They had a big craft table that Z gravitated to upon entering.

She really enjoys playing with glue but hasn't got the art of pasting and gluing one item to another just yet! The craft was decorating construction paper Easter Eggs.

Later in the afternoon, we spent time with friends with a 3 and half year old and a 7 year old. Z's squeals and delights were relished by me and I could tell she was having a wonderful time "pretending" to drive a toddler car and play a firefighter.

When she hears one (and oh boy, do we hear a lot in our neighbourhood) she makes the sign for car and goes "eeeeeee!"

I often moan to anyone who listens that my daughter doesn't "play" with toys, but moments like today when she is absorbed by the smallest of details makes me feel reassured that she is finding her own niche and ways to create imaginative play.


  1. I have that book too and keep meaning to read it! Thanks for reminding me! It's amazing how powerful play is to a child. We don't think of it the same way but we need to remember that children learn and explore through play, so we must make more of an effort to play with them!

  2. Yay Z! I'm so happy for her and you!! It must have been such a treat to watch. She has so much love and playfulness in her...we need to organize another play date!
