Sunday, April 10, 2011

Chasing Butterflies

I decided, late last week, I would take on the daunting, yet exciting, opportunity to make a baby shower cake for my sister in law's sister.

Now, it's been awhile. A long while since I've made a cake. Fondant? Cookie cutters? Rollers? All history from my pregnancy days! So I was really nervous. I sat, entranced, by all these wonderful videos on youtube showing seamless fondant tucked around cakes and details in figurines that looked so real to the unsuspecting eye that I just did not know where to start.

I found a beautiful cake that I wanted to match as close as I could. A simple black and white cake that I thought, "Hey, that should be a piece of cake!" Hmm....a bit naive of me to think such a thought!

Luckily I had used the last egg for my daughter's breakfast this morning, so I used it to mold my butterflies.

Would you ever think that rolling a play-doh like substance and placing it on slabs of cake would be painstakingly difficult? It took me a couple of tries for the lightbulb to turn on and that I could take the plastic I was rolling on, turn it upside down, place it on the cake and peel off the fondant! Yes. It was late. I was tired.

The cake was loved. The children at the shower were in awe of the small butterflies and flowers and asked if they could take them home. They had these little baggies with the little figures from the cake and they were so happy, bless them. It really warmed my heart. The hours cursing fondant made it all worth it - just for that moment to see the delight in their eyes.


  1. Gorgeous cake! I am very impressed at your skill


  2. That cake is stunning!! Great job! :)

  3. I was lucky enough to try the masterpiece - YUMMY!!!! It was definitely a hit!
